Saturday, 11 May 2013

Being Grateful.

James Allen once wrote: "No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks"

English - Thanks,
Français - Merci,
Italiano - Grazie,
Português - Obrigado,
Español - Gracias,
Swahili - Asante,
Mandarin (Chinese) - xie xie.

We often fail/forget to realize how powerful a simple 'Thank you' can be. Expressions of gratitude have extreme significance in our daily life, both to ourselves and to those we show gratitude to.

We are turned on, gratitude boosts our sense of self esteem and self worth. It triggers us to do even more.

An associate professor at the Harvard business school did a study on gratitude, findings revealed that people felt more self worth when gratitude was shown to them, they felt a higher sense of self esteem and became willing to do more.

As humans, there is a contentment we feel when we do something for a person and the person shows a great sense of gratitude. We are challenged to do more.

Saying thank you for something small is opening the door for something bigger.

Try and cultivate a heart of gratitude, it motivates others. However remember John F. Kennedy said "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

Till next time,, Keep dreaming!!

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