Dearly Beloved,
It is with great joy in my heart that I write you this, I have been looking forward to a this day, not necessarily because I have something awesome to talk about, but because I get to talk to you.
All I can say to you guys is thank you. I started this blog because I wanted somewhere I could get away to sometimes and write whatever comes into my head/mind, I never ever envisaged that I'd have such relevance in your eyes/heart (wherever relevance is from), but from the first post, you showed me great love and sweetness.
I am eternally grateful for your messages of approval, everything you guys say to me, through my mailbox, through comments, through facebook. Thank you, God bless you.
I'm not almost the best writer in the world, Sometimes I just meander about a topic, mumbling things that don't even make any sense, sometimes I try to be funny and I am not successful, sometimes I make serious typo errors. But still post in, post out (post in, post out? Does that make sense?) you guys are here, giving me big love. I love you guys back.
Even though I do not have a defined niche, and I write about anything I want, and unlike the popular 'bloggers' especially in these parts, that tell you how Kim Kardashian's leg can no longer fit her shoes cos she's fat, or who the most recent boyfriend of some popular actress is **insert any name you want**, or who has a hot bikini body, (this is exhausting). Anyway, inspite of the fact that I don't do all that, you guys still got my back, and I'm grateful.
Thank you for all the comments on my posts, I absolutely love comments, all my friends that take their time to input their views here, both anonymous and otherwise, bless you guys, I absolutely love you. My new 'bloggy kingdom' friends: Shanique over at Belize naturalista - Adventure of a Willow wimp, Aleshea at Glitzngrits, Candace at Dandelion dreams, I can't mention all of you, cos we won't leave here if I do but thank you. All of you. I appreciate your love, and it's all back at you.
Your friend,
P.S. If there's anything you think I'm not talking about often enough or you want me to talk about, call me, maybe. Or Mail me.
Till next time,, Keep dreaming!!
Thank you James.
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