Saturday, 20 July 2013

It shouldn't hurt to be a child

Usually, I try not to get involved with issues pertaining to my country, Nigeria, here because it gets exhausting for not just  me, but for you too, believe me, i know what I am saying. that being said, sometimes, I have no choice.

Some time ago, on this blog, I talked about child marriage, about how some countries see nothing wrong with childrren getting married, well unfortunately, my own country has joined that league. Quite disgusting, though I have nothing to say to the  lawmakers who support such barbarism, I think social media has said enough to them.

What I'm interested in knowing is why? Why will a sane, able bodied man concsiously decide that he wants to marry defile a 13 year old? What joy can you derive from it? Childhood is sacred, Childhood is when you learn right from wrong, childhood is when you learn to become a person. When you tell a child to get married you are asking that child to bypass the most sacred stage of her life, asking that child to automatically become an adult, taking the child's rights away, stealing her right.

There is no excuse for this  backwardness, these people hide behind religion to do things that aare wrong, they contort their religion to justfy their perversion, there is no excuse. Only paedophiles are interested in little children, and I'd hate to believe that Nigerian lawmakers are paedophiles. The more I write about this, the more it annoys me. #childnotbride

Till next time,, Keep dreaming!!


Anonymous said...

those monsters, can they do that to their child?

james said...

It's not their fault.. They probably have no child dat age that's why. And we voted them to represent us not to force our children to get married.. I agree with u, this country is exhausting.

james said...

It's not their fault.. They probably have no child dat age that's why. And we voted them to represent us not to force our children to get married.. I agree with u, this country is exhausting.